Zion United Church - Thessalon

Methodists were the first Protestants to build a church in Thessalon. It was a small building, in keeping with the number of people in the congregation. It was built about 1881, the year the townsite was surveyed, on the corner of Genelle and Main Streets. The population of Thessalon at that time was about 300. Presbyterians and other Protestant denominations held services in the Methodist Church for a number of years before they established their own places of worship. Rev. James McAllister was the first Methodist pastor in this pioneer church. Rev. D.H. McLennan, a young man of legendary goodwill and dedication, led the Presbyterians in worship in the same building in the 1880’s.
The building was too small to accommodate tis burgeoning congregation as lumbering expanded and the area around the village of Thessalon became settled. At the turn of the century the congregation decided that the time was ripe to build more commodious quarters. The brick structure that resulted from their efforts was situated on a rock outcrop adjacent to the school on the west side of Main Street. When the Methodists and Presbyterians agreed to set aside their difference in 1915, the two congregations worshipped together in the comparatively new Zion Presbyterian Church.
The first Presbyterian Church in Thessalon was built about 1888. According to an item in the Algoma Advocate of January 3, 1889, the church was officially opened in December, 1888 and the service was led by Rev. Professor Grigg of Knox College, Toronto. The church, named Zion On The Hill by its founders, was located on a rocky eminence east of the present site of the Anglican Church.
In the first decade of the present century the establishment of two large sawmills created a boom in Thessalon’s population and economy. As a result, the little church on the hill began to burst at its seams on Sundays. It is said that Malcom McKay, who served as an usher for many years, worried each Sunday about getting everyone comfortably seated for worship. To alleviate this situation, serious consideration was given to building a larger church. Rev. McNichol, who arrived on the scene about that time, provided a great deal of inspiration and initiative to get on with the job. Construction was started in 1909 and the cornerstone was laid by William Thomson Sr. on August 25th of that year. The church celebrated its official opening in the fall of 1910 with Rev. A.D. Reid of St. Andrew’s Church, Sault Ste. Marie, as guest speaker. Rev. McNichol, who had provided the spark to have the new Zion Presbyterian built, was its first minister. Miss Claire Bennett proudly presided at the organ.
Thessalon Pastoral Charge Ministers from 1925
1925 to 1944 (Zion only): Rev. A.B. Irwin (1925), Rev James S. Duncan (1926-31), Rev. Robert W. Beveridge (1932-44) During this time period Little Rapids had nine ministers.
1945 – 1987 (Zion and Little Rapids):
Rev. Gordon g. Pickell (1949-53), Rev. Nicholas L. Gostonyi (1954-57), Rev. James W. Davies (1958-59), Rev. James Semple (1960-63), Rev. J. Gary McEachern (1964-68), Rev. Clyde G. Taylor (1969-94)
Not only did Rev. R.W. Beveridge devote some twelve years to ministering ot the Thessalon Pastoral Charge and pioneering the work of the church in Algoma Presbytery but after his retirement he returned in 1953 to live the balance of his 96 years in Thessalon, keeping in ouch with church and community affairs.
Many changes have taken place in our pastoral charge; however, over the years we have been blessed with faithful workers and supporters. For example, our present organist, Mrs. Heard (Katie) Stewart has served us continuously since 1942 (1942-92) – 50 years plus part time.
With major renovations at Zion planned for the coming year we look to the future with faith and confidence.