St. Paul's United Church - Manitouwadge

On October 27, 1957, a group of United Church worshippers gathered in this new and remote mining community and were constituted a congregation of The United Church of Canada. Two years later, after worshipping in homes and schools and the community centre, the church building was erected and opened, with the Rev. Gerald Paul being its first minister.
In those early days the mines were going strong, young families flourished, and the church was brimming with life. Ministers came – newly ordained, lay ministers, and student placements – some staying for extended periods of time and journeying in faith with a committed and enthusiastic congregation. Over time, of course, changes came. Mines began to shut down; young families moved elsewhere for work; the remaining community visibly older.
This is reflected in the congregation of St. Paul’s – now primarily middle aged and seniors - with an average attendance of thirty. What has not changed is the commitment and enthusiasm with which we engage in ministry within and outside the church walls. There has been ongoing commitment to the Mission and Service Fund, the Leprosy Mission, the Canadian Bible Society, the Canadian Hunger Foundation, the urgent appeals through the National Church, and the local Food Bank. Education and faith formation has taken place through the study of the gospels, looking at the works of theologians such as Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan, and a variety of Lenten studies including “There’s No ATM in the Wilderness” which resulted in the start-up of a school breakfast program. There have been outdoor worship services, movie nights, variety concerts and much gathering and feasting around tables.
There have been challenges for sure: financial challenges that have required a couple of times the need for a Mission Support Grant and much fundraising - fundraising that has involved the broader community and has brought life and joy; and sexual orientation challenges that for a brief time threatened to destroy the church, but in fact brought the congregation closer together as the circle of inclusion grew ever wider. We are a congregation on a journey and would welcome you to be a part of it.
In case you are interested in the ministers who have been a part of the journey, they are:
Donald Sutherland (student minister 1956), Rev. Gerald Paul (1957-1960, Rev. Cecil Wittich (1960-1964), Rev. Kenneth Myers (1964-1968), Rev. Michael Beacom (1968-1971), Rev. Earl Coulter (1971-1972), Rev. Raymond Gilmour (1972-1973), Rev. Fred Milnes (1973-1977), Rev. William Steadman (1977-1980), Rev. Gordon Roberts (1981-1982), Lay Pastoral Minister Normalie Voaks (1983-1990), Rev. Gary Shuttleworth (1990-1992), Rev. Larry Burton (1992-2000), Norine St. Jean (student minister 2000 – 2003), Rev. Doreen Sproule (2003-present). All of these have shared with us their gifts and their faith and have brought us ever closer to the Centre which is God.