Willowgrove United Church

Sunday worship all year at 10:30 am.
Children's program September-June. Children's resource area available during summer months.
Our Mission Statement
Willowgrove United Church welcomes all to be a part of a caring and compassionate church community dedicated to doing God’s work in a warm and friendly way, both within and beyond our congregation.
We encourage spiritual growth, love and acceptance in the way of our Lord and Saviour. Fellowship activities are very much a part of our Christian focus as we worship, serve and follow God’s teachings, as given to us through Jesus Christ.
Willowgrove: a Brief History
Built in 1967, Willowgrove United grew out of the realignment of two former Pastoral Charges – Sault Suburban and Emmanuel-Hill , in which Tarentorus United became aligned with Bruce Hill and Grace United Churches. During the years 1963-66 the charge was consolidated under the name of Willowgrove and plans for a new church building were laid. In the meantime, services were held in King George School on Gladstone Avenue.
An extension was constructed in 1974 that provided additional washrooms and a Board Room/Library.
Willowgrove continues to be a busy place, with both congregational groups and committees and outside groups holding regular meetings and special events within our facility.
We have activities and programs for all ages and stages and look forward to continuing this active and vibrant ministry for many years -- decades, even -- to come.
Willowgrove: a Concise History
(downloadable PDF file)